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How to apply visualization for each node in OMNet++?

I have created a network of nodes in OMNet++. I have defined in Network.ned: visualizer: <default(firstAvailableOrEmpty("IntegratedCanvasVisualizer"))> like IIntegratedVisualizer if ...
Nishani Kasineshan's user avatar
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flow_view function low resolution

I am trying to visualize a large function via a flow diagram. I am trying to use the function flow_view() from the package: flow. This is working as intended, but I am not able to save the diagram in ...
szmple's user avatar
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How do I generate a faceted plot with equal x and y axis spacing on each facet, while allowing different facet scale limits?

I want to generate a faceted ggplot with the following properties Each facet can have different scale limits (e.g. facet 1 might be taking values from 0-5, while facet 2 might be taking values 100-...
Alex J's user avatar
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Figure captions and numbering in Rmarkdown when rendering to html [duplicate]

When knitting my rmarkdown file as a pdf, the fig.cap option that I have set at the beginning of each chunk that creates a plot ends up being a nicely formatted piece of text, with automatically ...
trizzo's user avatar
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Why do my stat_slab bars disappear when applying a colour palette to them?

I'm trying to visualise ordinal data with the following structure: library(ggdist) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) data(long_data) srss_question1 <- long_data %>% filter(type == "1"...
AKing's user avatar
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How to plot a smooth decision boundary for a binary classifier using a neural network?

I am trying to implement a simple neural network to classify a circular dataset and plot a smooth decision boundary. However, my decision boundary is not smooth or incorrect. I want it to look like ...
Ismail's user avatar
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How can I fix the labels and lines on this radial chart?

I'm trying to create something for my next presentation. It's about average waiting time for a line in a store. I'm using R and ggplot. This is the data and the code that I'm using. ## Data Store = ...
Restu's user avatar
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Sorting does not work after adding a new major model and sub-models

My previous question can be found at Deneb (Vega-lite) - Sorting Axis. The answer from davidebacci helped me sort the sub-models in my dataset with only one major model. After I've added a new major ...
trimakichan's user avatar
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is there a limit (data, resolution, or some other parameter) in png devices in R

I am using the biosurvey package trying to run a function (biosurvey::explore_data_EG) that plots 4 panels, which specifically for me are 2 large map rasters at 1km resolution for Canada, 1 biplot ...
Francis van Oordt's user avatar
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Exporting coeftable to stargazer for regression table

I am working with regression models of a class not supported by stargazer. Below is the model I am working with: data(mtcars) model.fixest <- feols(mpg ~ hp + drat + wt, data=subset(mtcars)) I can ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
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Regression table with objects of different class

I want to create a regression table using stargazer but with objects of different type. The challenge is that one of the models is a fixest class object, which is not supported by by stargazer. I ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
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Deneb (Vega-lite) - Sorting Axis

I am attempting to sort my Y axis, see screenshot below. Basically, I want to sort the Y Axis based on the Even Rate in descending order. The structure of the data is as follows: major model > ...
trimakichan's user avatar
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Add arbitrary legend to a dual Y-axis bar chart

I'm working on the Vega-lite code shown below. I am trying to add a legend/key with two values, like: Attempt 1 gist: Vega Editor ...
woter324's user avatar
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altair grouped bar chart with quantitive axis

When using a quantitive x axis the xOffset does not seem to work in altair, i.e. the bars are stacked but I would like to have them next to each other. When encoding the x-axis as ordinal x=alt.X(&...
timbmg's user avatar
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Plotting a mesh with transparent nans doesn't seem to work

The following code: import pyvista as pv import numpy as np def test_pyvista_layers(): """Test how PyVista handles multiple mesh layers with NaN values and opacity settings"&...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Sort normalized stacked bar chart by dataframe order with Altair

How can I keep the order of my stacked bars chart from my Dataframe ? The head of my Dataframe looks like this : The countries are ordered as I want them to be and I can handle it by setting sort=...
LostSmoksby's user avatar
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I need to create a Tree chart view in super set, but i'm not understanding the correct way to set the table to the visual work correctly

I need to create a Tree chart view in super set, but i'm not understanding the correct way to set the table to the visual work correctly I had create a view in superset to reproduce a metric e had in ...
Jorge Rizzini De Castro Filho's user avatar
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Specific type of Bar Chart [closed]

I would like to create the bar diagram in the image below, as shown in the picture on the left there are equipment designations. In the figure, a bar indicates which time interval there is data in, ...
Ákos Kovács's user avatar
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Legend symbols (but not text) are present in R ggplot2

I made a complicated figure a while ago that looked like this: Unfortunately, since that time my computer died and I lost the most recent, functional version of the code I used to generate this ...
ElizaBeso000's user avatar
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Vega-Lite (Deneb) | Waterfall Chart (Start & End Column Problem)

I have hit a dead-end trying to create both a BEGIN / END column for a waterfall chart. I've managed to create the END column which correctly sits at the end of the X-axis (Jan to Dec). However, I'm ...
PBI Queryous's user avatar
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PCA Plot Clustering Issue with Time Series Motion Capture Data

I am using PCA for dimensionality reduction on a time series dataset of hand motion capture data and am encountering unexpected clustering behaviour. Below are the details of my process and the issue ...
Jonathan Mallia's user avatar
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Jenkins visualization of all the pipelines

We are looking for Jenkins visualization of all the pipelines that shows which is the last pipeline ran Get the commit ID and commit message pipeline runtime in minutes graphical interface that shows ...
K Nagaraj's user avatar
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My series data is not rendering the dates correctly

I am trying to do a forecast chart using highcharts but all my dates that say December in my second series are also showing up a November dates. Not sure why. Highcharts.chart("container", { ...
nb_nb_nb's user avatar
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Vega Lite Geography Plot

I'm new to Vega Lite. Been trying for hours with no luck on how to plot polygons. I know there is a code example in Vega Lite website, however, they always use within the "data" parameter a ...
Daniel Enriquez's user avatar
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How to show y-axis nominal labels, regardless of whether there is data

I have some a simple bar chart, and at times some of the y-axis nominal categories do not have any data associated with them. However, I do still want to show these values on the chart, for ...
kd1978's user avatar
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Dynamic Scaling of ApexCharts Scatter Plot with Large Dataset

I am using ApexCharts to render a scatter plot with a large dataset (around 300+ points) where each point has an x and y value. Here’s an example of my data: (client requirement) **opr_planned_arr1** =...
Luci RD's user avatar
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Optimize Looker Dashboard to reduce number of queries to BigQuery

I have created a looker dashboard and it works fine but costs a lot. Upon looking into it, here seems to be the problem. There is a single table in BigQuery which is the data source. It is 2.64GB in ...
Alice314's user avatar
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"Subtotals ignored" in LookML dashboard preventing expanding/collapsing records

I have a user-defined Looker dashboard which includes a table visualization with a product_category and product column. Subtotals in this visualization are enabled in order to allow users to expand ...
Alfredo Di Massimo's user avatar
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Do I fit t-SNE the two sets of embeddings from two different models at the same time or do I fit each separately then visualize and compare?

I have two sets of embeddings from two different GNNs. I want to compare the embeddings by visualization and I want to know which way is the most appropriate way for comparison. Do I fit t-SNE ...
Darkmoon Chief's user avatar
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How to display decimal points on the x-axis in a forest plot using the forestplot package in R?

I am using the forestplot package in R to create a forest plot, and I am trying to display decimal points on the x-axis tick labels (e.g., 1.0 instead of 1, 2.0 instead of 2). However, despite ...
sabc04's user avatar
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Can't add the DAX measures to the columns

I have a table Date Customer Sales Feb-24 Ian 2 Mar-24 Ian 5 Apr-24 Ian 7 May-24 Ian 10 I want to create a table matrix that looks like this Customer Feb24 Mar24 Apr24 May24 Q1 Sales Q2 Sales ...
ninelondon's user avatar
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Chart (circle) background off not working

EDIT: Add Screenshot I am trying to use a Deneb Unit Chart (circle) from in my Power BI Dashboard. Unfortunatelty I am not able to switch off the ...
Harald Huber's user avatar
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Different pattern in each discrete option in HH::likert function

I want to create a Likert plot using the HH package that incorporates visual patterns (e.g. hatching) in each bar category to improve accessibility for color-blind users. Apparently, having grey-...
Ogs's user avatar
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reserve space for a legend in pyplot while fixing plot size and x-axis position

here are two of my plotting functions and example use: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def set_legend(ax, item_count, title=None): legend = ax.legend( title=title, loc='upper ...
Moran Reznik's user avatar
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Matplotlib polar chart not showing all xy-ticks

Issue 1: The x-ticks (pie pieces) aren't ordered from 0 to 24 (my bad, should be 1) Issue 2: all y-ticks (rings) aren't showing Issue 3: Someone seems to have eaten a part of the polar chart ... I ...
Eek's user avatar
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How to visualize a submodule of a model in pytorch?

Understand from this question that we are able to visualize a net in pytorch. However, if a network is very big and complex, we might want to zoom in and visualize only a specific part of it. Is ...
Zongqi Hu's user avatar
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ggplot multi-line log-log labels

I have some data I'm plotting like this: g <- ggplot(datapile, aes(x = Re, y = CD)) g <- g + geom_line(data = datapile, linetype = "solid", size = 1) g <- g + scale_y_continuous(...
Karl Wolfschtagg's user avatar
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Plotly: Increasing figure size to make room for long footnote

Building on the example in this thread, I have the following code: import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent....
TylerD's user avatar
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Plotly Limited WebGL instances when using subplots

I'm trying to produce a figure using Python and plotly, it's meant to consist of a considerably large number (>=25) of subplots, each of which is a 3D surface plot. I am running into issues with my ...
noobnoob's user avatar
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How to set time range to bar chart axes by parsing using Chart Js?

I am using ChartJs v3.9.1 in my Angular project. I need to create a timeline and I am trying to create it using horizontal bar chart. I did horizontal bar chart with time axes but I have a json data. ...
alinz's user avatar
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Why do ggmagnify() zoomed-in insets are off-limit?

First, I am not very familiar with the R language and learn it. I use R4.31, RStudio , ggplot2 3.5.1, dplyr 1.1.4 and ggmagnify 0.4.1. Second, most of my needs are plots so ggplot is very useful. This ...
Indy's user avatar
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Presenting complex table data in chart for a single slide

Tables allow to summarise complex information. I have a table similar following one (this is produce for this question) in my latex document, like so: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} % ...
Amina Umar's user avatar
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How to have interactions with right mouse click as well as brush in d3

I have a scatterplot with a tooltip interaction on the points using the right mouse button. On top of it I added a 2D brush, it works perfectly, but I cannot iniziate brushing if I am on a datapoint ...
LukeTheWalker's user avatar
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plotly is not updating the info correctly with dropdown interactivity

I'm facing an issue with updating the median line on a plotly scatter plot when interacting with a dropdown. The dropdown allows the user to select a column (Y-axis), and I want the median of the ...
PeCaDe's user avatar
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Coloring points on a graph proportionately

I have this graph in R: library(igraph) width <- 30 height <- 20 num_nodes <- width * height x <- rep(1:width, each = height) y <- rep(1:height, times = width) g <- ...
farrow90's user avatar
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Border padding in gt table

I want to add a little padding to my gt table so that the borders don't run up against each other. Ideally, this means the borders just have a little bit of margin within their cell so they look like ...
BSHuniversity's user avatar
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Timestamp and data on different lines

My datafile is in the following format: 2024-11-11 11:08:39 [1]123,45,67,89,0,0,0 [2]11,22,33,44,0,0,0 [5]99,88,77,66,0,0,0 2024-11-11 11:08:40 [1]123,45,67,89,0,0,0 [2]55,66,77,88,0,0,0 [5]99,88,77,...
user28255442's user avatar
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How to Create Nested Facets in Altair with Consistent Scale Across Rows?

I'm working on a data visualization project in Python using Altair, and I'm struggling with creating nested facets with consistent scales across all rows. I want to create a plot that facets on one ...
Azin Piran's user avatar
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Drawing rectangles in spherical coordinates in gnuplot

I have the following dataset: which is a spherical partition using the Leopardi et al, 2006 algorithm. Each grid cell is a rectangle in spherical coordinates, defined by a top left corner (theta0,...
vibe's user avatar
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Align IRR points on a forest plot with their respective table rows in R?

I am struggling to get the rows in my table to align correctly with their respective IRR points on the plot (e.g., values for A align with the IRR point for A on the plot). Specifically, I am creating ...
Riley's user avatar
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